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The Butts Primary School

Your School Lottery


Your School Lottery is our weekly lottery draw which not only raises vital money for the school but also gives our parents and carers a weekly chance to win a cash prize!

Taking part is extremely simple as it takes just 1 minute to sign up. Tickets cost £1 per week and you can pay by direct debit or card payment. The draw takes place each Saturday and there is a guaranteed school winner every single week. The prize amount depends on how many tickets are in the draw so the more entries the bigger the prize.

There is also a chance to win the £25,000 jackpot by matching the winning six-digit number. There were 8 lucky jackpot winners in 2020 so it does happen! 

For every £1 ticket bought, 40p goes to the school. This adds up to £1,000 per year for just 50 weekly tickets, just think what this money can buy for the children.   

If you’d like to take part in our School Lottery, simply follow this link:
