School Trips
At the Butts Primary School we aim to enhance the curriculum through rich and varied learning opportunities. We believe that first hand experience is an important aspect of learning. Many experiences can be catered for in school. However, we recognise that some learning experiences are accessed more effectively off site. As with all learning activities, the health and safety of pupils, staff and helpers is paramount at all times.
School Trips
Day Trips
Every class will undertake at least one school trip every academic year. These will be linked to the curriculum to ensure that they have significant educational value and there will be follow-up activities.
Residential Trips
Children will have the opportunity to attend a 5 day residential trip in both Years 5 and 6. In the 2021/22 Academic Year, our Year 5 children are due to go to New Barn Field Centre and our Year 6 children are due to go to Hindleap Warren Outdoor Centre.
The safety of our children on all offsite trips is paramount and further details of our procedures and protocols can be found in our Offsite Activities Policy.