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The Butts Primary School


At the Butts Primary School, we want to do all we can to ensure that the increase in energy, fuel and food prices do not mean that our families find themselves in the situation where they are having to chose between keeping warm and having food to eat.

There are various schemes and initiatives available that may be able to provide support and details of some of these initiatives, together with links, are detailed below.

We are aware that many people find it difficult to ask for help, sometimes through embarrassment or sometimes because they simply do not know where to turn. For this reason, we have set up a specific email address help4families@butts.hants.sch.uk to which requests for help can be sent. Any requests will be dealt with discreetly and information will only be shared on a need-to-know basis. Alternatively, please contact Mrs Bevis in the School Office on 01420 84102.

Free School Meals

If you are in receipt of certain benefits, your child may be eligible for free school meals. Click on this link to find out more https://www.hants.gov.uk/educationandlearning/freeschoolmeals/juniorsecondary

Foodbank Referrals

We are able to provide referrals to the foodbank for those who are most in need. Please contact Mrs Bevis at help4families@butts.hants.sch.uk for more details.

Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Scheme

The HAF programme is funded by the Department for Education so that local authorites can offer healthy food and enriching activities in the school holidaysto children who receive income-based free school meals. A small number of places are also available on the HAF schemes for other vulnerable families. 

Alton Cluster Family Support 

The Butts Primary School we have access to the Alton Cluster Family Support Service. The Family Support Workers are able to assist families with many different types of issues. They also run friendly support sessions where families can discover hints, tips and advice on different issues and also have an opportunity to chat with other families in similar situations over a cup of coffee or tea and biscuits. Details of upcoming courses and how to book can be found below:

Supporting your child into school starting on 16th October 2023

Supporting your anxious child starting 6th November 2023 Additional Needs Support Group starting 21st November 2023