At The Butts Primary School, we have our school values of respect, curiosity and resilience at the core of everything we do.
We view the curriculum as the totality of experiences children have during their time with us, both inside and outside the classroom. Learning is planned around the use of topics, hooks and questions, which encourage the children to make links between subjects – bringing their learning alive. Child initiated thought is encouraged, and a critical thinking/ reflective mind-set is developed. Mistakes in learning are celebrated as children have an understanding that we learn from our mistakes; we promote a growth mindset and resilience in all aspects of school life and beyond ensuring that our school values are promoted through all aspects of our school community, both in and out of the classroom.
Our curriculum will engage and challenge children: igniting a passion for learning. It is both engaging and inclusive and encompasses all areas of school life. Children are encouraged to become independent learners, to feel valued, and to develop aspirations. Children’s lives will be broadened, giving them opportunity to explore life beyond The Butts Primary School and developing a richer knowledge of the world. It offers children chances to go beyond the classroom door by providing a range of learning experiences that excite and engage children.
Our curriculum will prepare children for the next stage in their learning, by ensuring that they have secure building blocks and foundations to thrive. It reflects our context by being inclusive of all needs in the school. Home and school links are strongly encouraged and parents are welcomed into the school environment. Our children’s lives are enriched through a range of experiences and their needs met by caring and committed staff who see beyond the academic curriculum.
To find out more about the curriculum for each subject, please click on the buttons below.
Our curriculum is developed through the use of these key documents: